Bisque Software Infrastructure Banner

Center for Multimodal Big Data Science and Healthcare

Visit the Center for Multimodal Big Data Science and Healthcare to learn more about BisQue, its source code, and related publications.

Bisque Software Infrastructure

Managing large amount of multimodal data is a significant problem in many scientific applications. The software infrastructure BisQue developed at UCSB is a unique open source resource that combines data management with image analysis and machine learning that enables reproducible computer vision. BisQue can be deployed easily in a cloud computing environment and developers can add customized computational modules and workflows, all within a standard web-browser based interface, to carry out computations at scale. In addition to core image management services (data upload, visualization, annotation, sharing and analysis), current research focuses on application to materials science, marine science and health/medical imaging data.

 Affiliated Researchers

Electrical and Computer Engineering
Bio-inspired machine vision; human/AI integration; AI and biology.